CD ROM Paradise Collection 4
CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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602 lines
User Guide
Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc.
3847 Foxwood Road, Suite 1000
Duluth, Georgia 30136-6100
Orders: 1-800-380-2666
Voice: 1-770-263-8623
FAX: 1-770-263-0124
Email: 76662.2315@compuserve.com
(C) Copyright 1993-1995 Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
No part of this User Guide may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language (natural
or computer), in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does
not represent a commitment on the part of Computer Telecommunication
Systems, Inc
Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc. may make improvements and/or
changes in the manual and/or in SwapIRQ at any time
Trademarks and Copyrights
IBM(R) and PS/2(R) are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
Hayes(R) is registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
The CTS Serial Port Utilities(TM), IRQInfo and SwapIRQ(TM) are
trademarks of Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc.
Introducing SwapIRQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installing SwapIRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Before Using SwapIRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using SwapIRQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Help Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Loading SwapIRQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Format 1: SwapIRQ /ih /is . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Format 2: SwapIRQ /ih /is /n /M . . . . . . . . . 4
Format 3: SwapIRQ /ih /is /Aaaa /M. . . . . . . . 4
Stopping SwapIRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Running SwapIRQ From a Batch File. . . . . . . . . . . 5
Using SwapIRQ with Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Example 1: Your modem is on Com3 using IRQ 5, but
software only uses Com3 with IRQ 4. . . . . 6
Example 2: Your serial ports support high IRQs, but
your software doesn't . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Example 3: Your modem is on Com3 using IRQ 5, and
your mouse is on Com1 using IRQ 4. Your
software uses Com3 on IRQ 4, which
conflicts with your serial mouse (also
using IRQ 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Appendix A: Conventional IRQ and Address
Assignments for Serial Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Appendix B: Using SwapIRQ with Games . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Appendix C: Compatibility list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Introducing SwapIRQ(TM)
SwapIRQ is a powerful but tiny DOS utility which allows your
existing communications software to use any interrupt (IRQ)
supported by your serial port or modem. You can also use it in a
"DOS session" under Windows to provide access to an IRQ not
supported by a DOS application. SwapIRQ works under DOS versions 2.0
and higher, and uses less than 1K (actually, less than 800 bytes) of
Serial cards and board modems in your computer system are installed
at a particular address and use an IRQ (an Interrupt ReQuest line)
to signal the controlling software that they require attention. Some
cards only allow selection of a Com port: Com1, Com2, etc., and use
the industry standard addresses and IRQs as described in Appendix A.
Other serial ports let you independently select a port address and
IRQ which do not follow any particular standards.
Communication software requires two pieces of information to work
with a serial card or a board modem. First, software must know the
address used by the board so that commands can be issued. Secondly,
the software must know which IRQ is used by the board to request
attention. Finally, you must be able to configure the software to
use the address and IRQ used by the serial card. Otherwise, the
board or modem will not work with the software.
Communication software normally lets you select the port to use -
Com1, Com2, and so on. A few applications are limited to using the
two "standard" serial ports: Com1 at address 3F8H (hexadecimal) with
IRQ 4, and Com2 at address 2F8H with IRQ 3. There are some serial
ports that allow Com1 and Com2 to use other IRQs, and SwapIRQ will
allow these applications to work with the ports on other IRQs.
Other applications allow you to use more serial ports - Com3 and
Com4 are common. However, many of these applications may require
that the IRQ used by Com3 and Com4 are the same as the IRQs used by
Com1 and Com2. SwapIRQ enables these applications to use Com3 and
Com4 (or any serial port) on any available IRQ supported by the
serial port.
SwapIRQ does this by "redirecting the interrupt". For example, let's
say that your software is set up to use Com3 on IRQ 4, but your
serial port is set up as Com3 using IRQ 5. When your board generates
the interrupt request (IRQ 5), your software won't see it because it
isn't watching the correct IRQ (it's looking for IRQ 4). The result
is a "hung application", or worse, a system lockup.
But if you install SwapIRQ before using the application, then
SwapIRQ "watches for" IRQ 5 for your application. When your serial
board activates IRQ 5, SwapIRQ detects it and signals the IRQ your
software uses (IRQ 4, in this case) that the interrupt occurred.
This allows the software to operate normally. When you are finished
with the application, you unload SwapIRQ to put your system back in
its normal state.
Installing SwapIRQ
SwapIRQ is normally placed in a subdirectory on your hard disk. The
following instructions assume you will put SwapIRQ in a directory
named "SWAPIRQ":
1. Create an "SWAPIRQ" subdirectory on your hard disk
using the DOS Make Directory (MD) command:
Example: C>MD SWAPIRQ <Enter>
NOTE: <Enter> means to press the Enter (Return) key.
2. Change the default directory to the directory you
created using the DOS Change Directory (CD)
Example: C>CD SWAPIRQ <Enter>
3. Copy the distribution files to the SWAPIRQ directory. If
the distribution files are on a floppy diskette in drive A,
you would enter:
Example: C:\SWAPIRQ>COPY A:\*.* <Enter>
If your directory contains a README.TXT file, then check this file
for additional information not included in this User Guide.
SwapIRQ is ready to run. To make SwapIRQ available to all of your
applications, you can add the SwapIRQ directory to the PATH command
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. An alternative is to use a batch file for
each of your applications requiring SwapIRQ as described on Page 8.
Before Using SwapIRQ
Before you use SwapIRQ with your serial ports, you should verify
that your system has no serious serial port or interrupt conflicts.
If you have been using your current system for some time without
problems, then you can probably assume that your system is
configured properly. If you have changed your system setup recently,
or if you have occasional difficulties, then a little additional
testing is worth the effort. If you have the CTS Serial Port
Utilities, then run PortInfo, paying careful attention to the error
and warning messages regarding port and interrupt conflicts. If
PortInfo detects serial port conflicts, then these should be
resolved before using SwapIRQ.
If you do not have the CTS Serial Port Utilities, then we suggest
you contact us to obtain a copy, particularly if you observe any
problems with SwapIRQ.
After you have verified that your system is in good working order,
then you need to determine which interrupt your hardware is
generating, and which interrupts your software can use. You will use
this information when starting SwapIRQ.
Using SwapIRQ
SwapIRQ is a TSR application that you load before running your
application which requires the special interrupt handling, and
unload when you are finished. SwapIRQ is controlled through command
line switches, and is aware of CTSCOMn environment variables. There
are several possible command lines formats:
Help Screen
You can display the help screen from the DOS prompt by entering
C:\SWAPIRQ>SwapIRQ <Enter>
C:\SWAPIRQ>SwapIRQ /? <Enter>
Loading SwapIRQ
There are three formats for loading SwapIRQ. The first is fine
to use under most circumstances. However, if you experience
problems with SwapIRQ when using the first format, then try the
second. The second format will make sure that another serial
port will not generate interrupts that conflict with SwapIRQ.
You can even completely disable a serial mouse that uses the
same IRQ required by your software for something else!
Format 1: SwapIRQ /ih /is
This command installs the SwapIRQ program, and swaps hardware
IRQ 'h' to software IRQ 's'. That is, the serial port is using
IRQ 'h' to signal the software, which is looking for IRQ 's'
where:'h' is the IRQ generated by the hardware
's' is the IRQ expected by the software
NOTE: They must be in the sequence shown.
The valid 'h' and 's' values are decimal 2-7 for an IBM PC/XT
computer, and 3-7, 9-12, 14 and 15 for an IBM AT or compatible
NOTE: if your board has a setting for IRQ 2, it is actually
using IRQ 9 in an IBM AT or compatible computer. You should
use IRQ 9 as the hardware IRQ. You can use IRQ 2 as the
software IRQ.
For example, using the command line:
SwapIRQ /i5 /i4
SwapIRQ will translate IRQ 5 generated by the serial port to IRQ
4 for the software.
NOTE: There is one important limitation when using SwapIRQ. The
"software interrupt" cannot be used by a hardware device at the same
time that SwapIRQ is in use. In the example above, the IRQ 4 line
must be dedicated to SwapIRQ. The Com1 serial port, which normally
uses IRQ 4, must be inactive while SwapIRQ is loaded. See command
Format 2 on how to disable interrupts from a serial port or serial
mouse while SwapIRQ is loaded.
Format 2: SwapIRQ /ih /is /n /M
where 'n' is a valid serial port number of 1-8. The '/n'
switch instructs SwapIRQ to disable interrupts from serial
port 'n'. Use this switch if you are switching a hardware
interrupt over to an interrupt line used by another serial
port. This will prevent a stray interrupt from the serial port
from contesting with the swapped interrupt.
If you add a '/M' switch to the command line, this will
completely disable a serial mouse on port 'n'. Applications
that use a mouse may require this command format to run
correctly with SwapIRQ.
NOTE: If you use the CTS Serial Port Utilities and the CTSCOMn
environment variables, then SwapIRQ will use these port
Format 3: SwapIRQ /ih /is /Aaaa /M
where 'aaa' is a valid serial port address, in hexadecimal.
You can use this option to disable interrupts from a serial
port at address 'aaa'. Use this command if you are swapping a
hardware IRQ over to an IRQ line used by a non-standard serial
port, and you do not have a CTS Serial Port Utility CTSCOMn
environment variable defined for the port.
The '/M' switch behaves just as described above.
Stopping SwapIRQ
Stop SwapIRQ from running when you have finished with the
application that needs it. This is done with the command:
C:\SWAPIRQ>SwapIRQ /D <Enter>
This command removes SwapIRQ from memory and restores all
interrupt control back to a normal status. If another
application has been loaded since SwapIRQ was installed, then
SwapIRQ will only be disabled and not removed from memory. In
this case, you will lose about 1K of system memory until your
next system startup (reboot).
NOTE: it is recommended that you load SwapIRQ just before running
your application and then unload it immediately afterwards. You can
put the SwapIRQ commands into a batch file to automate the process.
Running SwapIRQ From a Batch File
You can set up batch files to automatically load and unload
SwapIRQ by doing the following (this assumes that SwapIRQ is
located in a directory SWAPIRQ on the "C" drive):
Create a batch file in the directory of the program that
requires SwapIRQ that starts SwapIRQ, then runs the
communication application you need, and then unloads SwapIRQ
when you have finished.
c:\SWAPIRQ\SwapIRQ /i5 /i4 (to swap IRQ 5 to IRQ 4)
CommProg (put the program startup string here)
c:\SWAPIRQ\SwapIRQ /d (unloads SwapIRQ)
Using SwapIRQ with Windows
You can use SwapIRQ in Windows just like you do in DOS. Before using
SwapIRQ with Windows, it is important to have Windows properly
configured for the serial ports you have in your system. You can do
this either through your Windows control panel, or by editing the
WIN.INI file with a text editor. See your Microsoft Windows
documentation for additional information.
You use SwapIRQ under Windows in a DOS box to provide access for
DOS-based communication applications to IRQs not supported directly
by the application. Load SwapIRQ as a described for DOS in a Windows
DOS box before running your DOS communications program. Then run the
application just as you would under DOS.
Example 1: Your modem is on Com3 using IRQ 5, but software only uses
Com3 with IRQ 4
You have a modem on Com3, IRQ 5. Most of your software supports this
modem. However, one application allows use of Com3, but won't let
you specify the IRQ used by the port.
Solution: Use SwapIRQ to "redirect" IRQ 5 generated by the modem to
IRQ 4 (the conventional IRQ for Com3) when using this application.
To be on the safe side, you also disable Com1 from generating
interrupts on IRQ 4 while SwapIRQ is loaded. You can do this with
the command line "SWAPIRQ /i5 /i4 /1" where:
SwapIRQ /i5 /i4 /1
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | +---- Disable Com1 IRQs (Com1 uses IRQ 4)
| |
| +------- The software uses IRQ 4
+----------- The modem uses IRQ 5
Com1 is now disabled until you unload SwapIRQ or until another
application re-enables it. Run your application that needed the
interrupts swapped. When you are finished with the application, you
unload SwapIRQ to restore your system to a "normal" status.
Example 2: Your serial ports support high IRQs, but your software
You have a 16-bit serial board that supports high IRQs (10-12, 14
and 15), but some of your software doesn't allow you to access these
Solution: Use SwapIRQ to redirect the high IRQs to the conventional
IRQs supported by most communication software. For example, if you
need to use Com4, IRQ 11 with an application that expects Com4 to
use IRQ 3, then you load SwapIRQ before running the application with
the command:
C:\SWAPIRQ>SwapIRQ /i11 /i3 <Enter>
- OR -
C:\SWAPIRQ>SwapIRQ /i11 /i3 /2 <Enter>
(to prevent Com2 from generating interrupts on IRQ 3)
NOTE: the command line "switches" like "/i", "/a", and "/d" can be
either uppercase or lowercase letters.
Example 3: Your modem is on Com3 using IRQ 5, and your mouse is on
Com1 using IRQ 4. Your software uses Com3 on IRQ 4, which conflicts
with your serial mouse (also using IRQ 4).
Solution: You use SwapIRQ to get access to the modem on IRQ 4 and to
prevent the mouse from interfering.
NOTE: you will not be able to use the mouse in this application,
since SwapIRQ shuts off the mouse!
To do this, you load SwapIRQ with the command:
SwapIRQ /i5 /i4 /1 /M
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | | +------- Disables the mouse
| | |
| | +---------- Disables IRQs from Com1
| | (which uses IRQ 4)
| |
| +------------- The software uses IRQ 4
+----------------- The modem uses IRQ 5
Then run your application. When you are finished with your
application, stop SwapIRQ. Your mouse will be available to the next
application you use after stopping SwapIRQ.
Appendix A: Conventional IRQ and Address Assignments for Serial Ports
I. ISA (IBM AT and Compatible) Computers
Serial Port IRQ Address (first address, in hexadecimal)
Com1 4 3F8 (this is a STANDARD!)
Com2 3 2F8 (this is a STANDARD!)
Com3 4 3E8 (a convention)
Com4 3 2E8 (a convention)
NOTE: there are no conventions for Com5 or higher.
II. Microchannel Architecture (IBM PS/2) Computers
Serial Port IRQ Address (first address, in hexadecimal)
Com1 4 3F8
Com2 3 2F8
Com3 3 3220
Com4 3 3228
Com5 3 4220
Com6 3 4228
Com7 3 5220
Com8 3 5228
NOTE: These are standards as defined by IBM.
Appendix B: Using SwapIRQ with Games
Many DOS games are set up to only work with one IRQ - usually IRQ 5
or IRQ 7. If your sound card is not set up to work on that IRQ, you
miss all of the sound. While SwapIRQ was developed specifically for
communications, you can use it with many DOS games to allow the
sound card IRQ to get through to the game software.
Operation with games is similar to that for communication software.
Simply replace the word "modem" with "sound card" in all earlier
sections of the User Guide.
Example 4: Your sound card uses IRQ 5, but the game software
requires the sound card on IRQ 7:
Solution: Use SwapIRQ to "redirect" IRQ 5 generated by the sound
card to IRQ 7.
SwapIRQ /i5 /i7
^ ^
| |
| +------- The game software uses IRQ 7
+----------- The sound card uses IRQ 5
Appendix C: Compatibility List
SwapIRQ has been used extensively for over 2 years with a wide range
of communications software. At the time of this initial shareware
release, the only known incompatibilities are with the America
Online for DOS and Prodigy for DOS programs.
I would like to compile a list of games that do and do not operate;
please let us know how SwapIRQ works for you by contacting us via
any means listed on the title page of this User Guide.
Association Of Shareware Professionals Member
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
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|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
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This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
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CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Name: ______________________________ Telephone: ____________________
Company: ________________________________ E-mail ID: ____________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
QTY Description Price Subtotal
=== =========== ===== ========
___ SwapIRQ with on-disk User Guide $20 ________
___ SwapIRQ with Printed User Guide $24 ________
Other Products (special prices valid only with SwapIRQ order):
(see the descriptions and in PRODUCTS.DOC)
___ IRQInfo ....... Normally $28.95 - only .... 24 ________
___ IRQInfo PRO ... Normally $41.95 - only .... 35 ________
___ PortFix ....... Normally $14.95 - only .... 10 ________
___ The CTS Serial Port Utilities
(see the description and the order form in PRODUCTS.DOC)
___ The CTS Modem Utilities
(available soon - call or write for details)
Sub-Total $________
Sales Tax: Georgia residents add 5% $________
Shipping & Handling: $ 4.00
TOTAL (US dollars, please) $________
PAYMENT METHOD: Check __ Money Order __ EuroCheq __ Discover __
Visa __ MasterCard __ Am. Express __ Purchase Order ($50 min) __
Name as it appears on the card: _________________________________
Card No. ________ ________ ________ ________ Expires ___/___
Cardholder signature: ___________________________________________
Please send, FAX, email or call:
| Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc. |
| 3847 Foxwood Road, Suite 1000 |
| Duluth, Georgia 30136-6100 USA |
| Telephone | Electronic Mail |
| --------- | --------------- |
| Orders: 1-800-380-2666 | CompuServe: 76662,2315 |
| Voice: 1-770-263-8623 | Internet:76662.2315@compuserve.com |
| FAX: 1-770-263-0124 | |
NOTE: Federal TaxID: 58-1880693. Prices are subject to change without